University scientists claim left-wing violence is caused by global warming… ‘the planet made them do it’

‘In what seems like a nod to violent protesters like the unhinged left-wing rioters who recently attacked Milo Yiannopoulos at UC Berkeley, Iowa State University scientists have published an analysis that claims global warming is the root cause behind the increase in violence we’re witnessing right now across society.
Not only does the analysis fall for the global warming climate hoax based on fraudulently manipulated temperature data and severe scientific fraud committed by the NOAA, it also seeks to dissociate violent left-wing rioters from any responsibility for their own behavior. In effect, the analysis asserts that “victims of global warming” are not responsible for their own hateful, destructive actions because, essentially, “the planet made them do it.”’
Read more: University scientists claim left-wing violence is caused by global warming… ‘the planet made them do it’

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