US-based blind Egyptian cleric, accused terrorist Omar Abdel-Rahman dies in North Carolina prison

‘Blind Egyptian cleric Omar Abdel-Rahman accused of “plotting” large-scale bombing of major landmarks across New York City and delivering “radical sermons” and sentenced to life imprisonment has died in a US federal prison in North Carolina.
Known in the US as “The Blind Sheikh,” Abdel-Rahman died Saturday at the age of 78 in the Butner Federal Correctional Complex near the city of Raleigh due to “complications from diabetes and coronary artery disease,” according to the prison spokesman, Greg Norton.
Abdel-Rahman, who was an influential activist cleric that opposed the Israeli regime and long-time Egyptian dictators Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak, was jailed and tortured in his native country before immigrating in 1990 to the US, where he led a congregation in Brooklyn neighborhood in New York, home to a sizable population of Zionist Jews with close ties to the Israel and militant settlers in illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territories.’
Read more: US-based blind Egyptian cleric, accused terrorist Omar Abdel-Rahman dies in North Carolina prison

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