Vaccines House Of Cards Is Tumbling Down – Fast

‘If ever there were a social-political-medical and scientific myth about anything, the current state of vaccinology and vaccine ‘science’ fits the bill in more ways than healthcare consumers probably even can imagine.
The myth goes back hundreds of years to the unscientific hypothesis and work of Edward Anthony Jenner (1749-1823), who is credited as being the ‘father of vaccines’ and the ‘father of immunology’. First and foremost, Jenner’s been touted as being a physician, and that ‘factoid’ has been disputed over and over again.
It turns out Jenner’s first smallpox vaccination experiment (his own son) ended up with brain damage and died young, most likely from a vaccine-related immune deficiency. The medical textbook definition of a vaccine adverse reaction is encephalitis (brain inflammation) which can lead to permanent neurological damage (aka brain damage, autism, developmental delay).’
Read more: Vaccines House Of Cards Is Tumbling Down – Fast

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