Desperate and pathetic gofer Tony Blair calls for people to ‘rise up’ against Brexit – better to rise up against Tony Blair

‘Tony Blair will today make a major speech accusing Theresa May’s Government of hurtling towards “Brexit at any cost” regardless of the damage it could do to British people.
The former Labour Prime Minister will set his sights on what he calls Ms May’s “rush over the cliff’s edge”, as she and cabinet Eurosceptics attempt to force Brexit’s launch through Parliament at breakneck speed.
Demanding the British people have a “right to change their mind”, Mr Blair will call on the 48 per cent who opposed leaving to take a stand, telling them directly: “This is not the time for retreat, indifference or despair, but the time to rise up in defence of what we believe.”’
Read more: Desperate and pathetic gofer Tony Blair calls for people to ‘rise up’ against Brexit – better to rise up against Tony Blair

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