When Israel First Occupied the West Bank

‘Raja Shehadeh, founder of the human rights organization Al-Haq, can recall the exact moment he first noticed Israeli settlements on the West Bank.
“The first settlement that I became aware of directly was the one closest to where I live in Ramallah, which was Dolev,” Shehadeh explains in the new documentary “Settlers”. “I was driving… and as we passed, we saw trailers bringing mobile homes.”
Over 100 families now live in Dolev. But in 1983, when it was established, there were just five.
“By the time we came back in the afternoon, the mobile homes had been placed on the land,” Shehadeh recalled. “And I turned to the passenger, my friend who was driving with me, and I told him, ‘You know, anything that is built so quickly can be taken away so quickly and he said, ‘I’m not so sure’ and these words ring in in my head to this day, because he was right and I was wrong.”‘
Read more: When Israel First Occupied the West Bank

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