Will driving a car be illegal in the future?

‘It is entirely possible that driving your vehicle could become illegal in the next dozen or so years, but not for any of the reasons you’re likely imagining.
Though global warming and other environmental concerns likely immediately spring to mind, driving might become a thing of the past for an entirely different reason: the development of technology that could virtually eradicate vehicle accidents.
Jay Samit of Tech Crunch believes that driving will become illegal by 2030. And if he’s correct, that would not be a moment too soon. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that unless serious action is taken in the meantime, road traffic crashes will become the 7th leading cause of death worldwide by 2030.
Current statistics show that approximately 1.25 million people die in car accidents around the world each year, and such accidents are the leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 15 and 29.’
Read more: Will driving a car be illegal in the future?

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