Witch doctors in Malawi are hiring ‘hit men’ to murder Albinos before mutilating them so their organs can be used in highly expensive ‘medicines’

‘Under the blazing East Africa sun Chikumbutzo Massina gazes hollow eyed across the baked and barren ground where his brother Fletcher once tended his tomato crop. Any plants that remain are withered and brown.
‘Here is the spot where I spotted Fletcher’s blood trail,’ he says, his voice devoid of emotion, as he moves further across the field.
‘And here is the ridge where I found what was left of his mutilated body.
In a monotone he tells how he found little more than his brother’s torso: all four limbs had been chopped off with a machete, his genitals cut off, his teeth torn out and all his vital organs – brain, liver, heart, lungs and kidneys – gone.’
Read more: Witch doctors in Malawi are hiring ‘hit men’ to murder Albinos before mutilating them so their organs can be used in highly expensive ‘medicines’ 

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