Your efforts are making a difference

Your phone calls are making a difference, but you can’t back down now!

One of the bills applying for an Article V ConCon (S.J. 5) was voted down by the Senate last week.

But multiple other ConCon bills are still alive and could be assigned to Senate committees at any time.

These bills promote a disastrous Article V Convention (a.k.a. ConCon), where all of your rights would be open to revision — or worse.

In fact, your rights to free speech and gun ownership could be lost forever.

Despite that, Senate President Eli Bebout is sponsoring H.J. 2, one of the bills that passed the House!

Please contact Senate President Eli Bebout at 307-856-0375 or Demand he withdraw sponsorship of H.J. 2 and oppose all bills calling for an Article V Convention at every opportunity.

Many groups supporting a ConCon want to limit your political speech rights protected by the First Amendment.

Others want to do away with the Second Amendment entirely.

And many are now demanding an end to the electoral college.

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what that would mean for Wyoming.

Billionaire, progressive activist George Soros has been working behind the scenes for years to end the electoral college, and as a result of the 2016 general election, he’s determined to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

A ConCon called for ANY reason would give him the chance to see his dreams become a reality.

That’s why I need you to contact Senate President Eli Bebout RIGHT NOW at 307-856-0375. Demand he withdraw sponsorship of H.J. 2 and oppose all bills calling for an Article V Convention at every opportunity.

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