AI mind reading technology can tell if you’ve knowingly committed a crime

‘While polygraph tests tend to be accurate most of the time, what if there was a way to actually crawl inside of the mind, have a look around, and determine guilt that way? Now, thanks to a combination of brain scanning and artificial intelligence, that may just become a reality. (RELATED: Read about just how powerful the use of artificial intelligence can be.)
In a recent study, scientists concluded that this sort of mind reading technology could be used to scan the brains of criminals and determine whether or not they are knowingly committing a crime. This marks the first time that neurobiological readings have been used to determine levels of guilt, but researchers acknowledged that their brain scanning method is not currently admissible in court.
Of course, criminals are unpredictable, and there are dozens of different motivating factors that contribute to their actions. Therefore, scientists warn that brain data alone shouldn’t be used to access the mental state of defendants.’
Read more: AI mind reading technology can tell if you’ve knowingly committed a crime

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