Analysis Shows Pot Will NOT Kill You, But Cops Arresting You For It Definitely Can

‘While an embarrassing number of Americans still swallow the drug war’s laughably fictitious marijuana prohibition propaganda, SWAT raids to confiscate the plant ludicrously deemed illegal by the State kill people at an exponentially higher rate than weed, itself.
Cannabis has never been the cause of a fatal overdose.
Data amassed by the New York Times “or the most part, governments at all levels have chosen not to quantify the toll by requiring reporting on SWAT operations. But The Times’s investigation, which relied on dozens of open-record requests and thousands of pages from police and court files, found that at least 81 civilians and 13 law enforcement officers died in such raids from 2010 through 2016. Scores of others were maimed or wounded.”’
Read more: Analysis Shows Pot Will NOT Kill You, But Cops Arresting You For It Definitely Can

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