Antidepressant drugs made woman believe she had killed her own children … Hallucinations, crushed libido, side effects galore

‘When you read the side effects on a package of antidepressants – or any medication, for that matter – it’s easy to brush them off out of a desire to start feeling better quickly. Problems like fatigue, nausea and decreased libido are just words on a page and easy to dismiss … until they happen to you.
If you or a loved one is thinking of taking these medications, you might want to read the story of Katinka Blackford Newman first. Her experience illustrates the very ugly side of these drugs that few people talk about, and shows how it can impact real people in a way that those package inserts can never truly convey.’
Read more: Antidepressant drugs made woman believe she had killed her own children … Hallucinations, crushed libido, side effects galore

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