Brussels ‘Defeated’ in Macedonia After Anti-EU Protests Sweep the Country

‘The reception that EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn received in Skopje this week illustrates the bloc’s lack of popularity among Macedonians, Macedonian political analyst Cvetin Cilimanov told Sputnik.
Public opinion in the former Yugoslav Republic is turning against Brussels because of its support for a proposed government coalition with Albanian parties backed by Tirana. Many fear the “Tirana platform” will lead to the eventual federalization and possible break-up of the country.
Earlier this week, the EU’s Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn traveled to Skopje where he held talks with political representatives in a bid to contribute to a solution to the political deadlock there.’
Read more: Brussels ‘Defeated’ in Macedonia After Anti-EU Protests Sweep the Country

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