Business Class

Professionalism seems to be going out of vogue, but if one wishes to retain a sense of dignity and decorum when at a desk then there are certain things one shouldn’t wear or have on show.

My new guide below should be used as a check-list to ensure you retain some business class.

Of course, if your employer enforces any of these workplace sartorial no-nos and you don’t like it, you are more than welcome to find another job.

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They were once only seen on mid-guided souls who thought themselves to be edgy, trendy and cool but now all-and-sundry have them and customers and clients are now confronted with them in all professions.

It is, of course, your right to get someone to inject toxic ink into your body in the name of art but it is also an employers’ right to tell you to cover it up, or not to hire you on the grounds you may intimidate the clientele.

They may not change how YOU act but they can change how other people act, and you are being employed to do a certain task as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Your personality or lifestyle choices have nothing to do with it.

Tattooed eyebrows

Similarly, the latest trend for perma-inked eyebrows is to be avoided in the names of professionalism unless you want clients staring at you trying to work out if you are some minor star from an Anime cartoon.

Tie clip

Although the tie-clip is entry-level stuff for oily candidates on The Apprentice, they should not be seen outside the TV bubble in the real world of work.

Admittedly, sellotaping the thinner end of your tie to the thicker, outer end (looking at you here, President Trump) isn’t a great look either, but tie clips are equally as bad.

Ties can be held in place by fastening the suit jacket when standing, as it correct. No clips or tape required.

Too much scent

There is an argument for people to apply no scent whatsoever in a professional environment, but rules have relaxed a little and now the gentlest of applications is permissible.

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