Catalan ex-president given two-year public office ban for independence referendum

‘The former president of the Spanish region of Catalonia, Artur Mas, was barred from public office for two years on Monday for staging an informal referendum on secession from Spain back in 2014.
Mas, whose official position was president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, was in charge of Spain’s wealthiest region in 2010-16. He has now been was found guilty of “disobedience” by the Catalonian Superior Court of Justice and fined €36,500 (US$39,000).
His closest associates in staging the plebiscite, former Catalan Vice-President Joana Ortega and former Education Minister Irene Rigau, received 21-month and 18-month bans from public office respectively.’
Read more: Catalan ex-president given two-year public office ban for independence referendum

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