Civilians in western Mosul are being shot at by Isis and Iraqi forces alike

‘Civilians trying to flee the besieged Isis-held enclave in west Mosul are being shot dead by Isis and Iraqi army snipers as they try to cross the Tigris River, says an eyewitness trapped inside the city with his family.
In an exclusive interview with The Independent, Jasim, a 33-year old Iraqi Sunni living in west Mosul near the 5th Bridge, said: “I want to rescue my mother and take her to the eastern part, but it is dangerous. Three people were killed in our neighbourhood trying to cross the river to the eastern side. They were shot dead by the snipers.”
Jasim explained that “Daesh (Isis) have snipers who cover the river bank between the 5th and 6th bridges”.’
Read more: Civilians in western Mosul are being shot at by Isis and Iraqi forces alike

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