Does Uber owe the taxman hundreds of millions in VAT? Taxi app facing court battle because it says it is a technology firm rather than a transport provider

‘Uber is facing a court battle over claims it has failed to pay what could be hundreds of millions of pounds in VAT.
The taxi app does not charge passengers the levy because it claims it is a technology firm rather than a transport provider.
But now it is being taken to the High Court by campaigners who argue it is wrongly depriving the taxman of tens of millions of pounds a year.
The case brings further questions about the cosy relationship between the Government and Uber – and why the HMRC has left it to a private individual to bring the court action rather than go after the firm itself.’
Read more: Does Uber owe the taxman hundreds of millions in VAT? Taxi app facing court battle because it says it is a technology firm rather than a transport provider 

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