Electrifying Images Of Wi-Fi Signals Show Invisible World Of EMF Bombardment

‘Every day, approximately 3.2 billion people utilize the internet to connect with others around the globe, gain knowledge about a particular topic and inject their ideas into the masses. The majority rely on WiFi, a technology that uses radio waves to provide network connectivity to people within a certain parameter. The waves are invisible, so few people think twice about them. However, designer Luis Hernan was able to document what Wi-Fi can look like using long-exposure photography and an Android app.
Entitled “Digital Ethereal,” the project offers a fascinating visualization of the movement of Wi-Fi signals. Laughing Squid relays that Hernan was able to ‘translate’ what the information pouring out of internet routers might look like by using the app called Kirlian Device. The strength of the Wi-Fi’s movement is depicted in a series of colors.’
Read more: Electrifying Images Of Wi-Fi Signals Show Invisible World Of EMF Bombardment

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