EU ‘not in hostile mood’ as Brexit talks beckon, says Juncker

‘”It’s like musicians in their bow-ties playing on board the Titanic,” remarked a friend of mine as I was talking to them about the EU’s 60th anniversary celebrations in Rome.
A mild exaggeration, shall we say – but the image sticks in my mind.
Because as the leaders of the EU’s 27 countries clink champagne glasses in plush, security-tight surroundings on Saturday – all is not well in the Europe outside their gates: youth unemployment persists (especially in the south), terror attacks, illegal migration, inequalities in the Eurozone, Brexit and a tide of anti-establishment populist nationalism across much of the bloc.
To name a few of the challenges. Not to mention “strongmen” Presidents Trump, Putin and Erdogan who all eye the EU with suspicion and some animosity.’
Read more: EU ‘not in hostile mood’ as Brexit talks beckon, says Juncker

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