EUCOM chief: US should provide weapons to Ukraine

‘The United States should provide weapons to the Ukrainian military to support its fight against Russian-backed rebels, the top American general in Europe told lawmakers on Tuesday.
“I personally believe that we need to consider lethal defensive weapons for Ukraine,” Army Gen. Curtis M. Scaparrotti said in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee.
The United States already has the authorization to provide such weaponry to Ukraine, which has been fighting a Russian proxy force in the eastern regions of its country since 2014. Congress included the provision in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act as part of a more than $150 million package to aid Ukraine, but President Barack Obama’s administration declined to provide any lethal weapons.
Instead, the U.S. military has provided American troops to train Ukrainians and non-lethal equipment including Humvees.’
Read more: EUCOM chief: US should provide weapons to Ukraine

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