Fortress London: Huge armoured police vans dubbed ‘The Guardians’ patrol the capital’s streets as number of armed officers is doubled after Westminster attack

‘Heavy-duty armoured cars which can withstand bomb blasts and machine gun fire have been deployed on the streets of London in the wake of the Westminster terror attack.
Two of Scotland Yard’s fleet of Jankel ‘Guardian’ vans were parked off Parliament Square today as the force announced a surge in number of armed officers.
The seven-tonne vehicles, which can cost more than £100,000, can carry eight offices and have bullet-proof tyres, a blast-resistant floor and can withstand bullets from AK47s, grenades and bombs.
It came as hundreds of extra firearms personnel were put on patrol around the country as forces mount a large-scale security operation following the outrage.’
Read more: Fortress London: Huge armoured police vans dubbed ‘The Guardians’ patrol the capital’s streets as number of armed officers is doubled after Westminster attack

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