Google chief blasted by MPs after revealing the giant ‘NEVER tries to block terrorist or paedophile content’ on its YouTube site
‘A humiliated Google chief revealed the giant never pro-actively tries to block terrorist or paedo content from its YouTube site.
In an extraordinary Commons showdown, Google, Facebook and Twitter were accused of “commercial prostitution” and failing to protect Brits from hate crime.
And Google public affairs chief Peter Barron left MPs open mouthed by admitting the giant still relied on users flagging up “abhorrent” content they saw online rather than policing it off themselves.
He told the cross-party Home Affairs Select Committee: “We don’t pro-actively search.”
In a three hour grilling he said an incendiary video posted by former KKK leader David Duke under the headline ‘Jews admit organising white genocide’ didn’t breach YouTube guidelines.’
Read more: Google chief blasted by MPs after revealing the giant ‘NEVER tries to block terrorist or paedophile content’ on its YouTube site
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