Grounds for Confidence; Enjoy the Bandwagon!

Cueing off the chatter-of-the-hour and issue-ism from the mainstream media and most elected officials, you see only confusion and impossibility, or worse. But, step back. When you look at the big picture, in the proper time frame, you see how there are grounds for confidence. The United States can be broken free from its subjection to the policies of the neo-British empire system, of monetarism, warfare, and anti-science guff, which has held down the world for decades.
Look where we stand on two action measures, identified by the LaRouche Movement and collaborators, as critical for putting the U.S. into a new paradigm, and moving the world ahead. First, Glass-Steagall, as the gateway for the LaRouche “Four Laws” mode for political economy; and secondly, getting the U.S. to join the “win-win” mode of the New Silk Road for the world. Both prospects are live, and on the agenda to be actualized.
This week, the discussion about Glass-Steagall, raised in Washington, D.C. Monday by Thomas Hoenig, Vice Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, commanded Trans-Atlantic general attention, and alarm on Wall Street and the City of London. This is reflected in the coverage, from Germany’s Die Welt to the Financial Times of London. Meantime, critical numbers of lawmakers in state capitals, and others, are demanding that Congress shape up and act on Glass-Steagall.
On the potential for the U.S. to align with the New Silk Road approach, the prospect for a meeting in April between President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, holds great promise for a new course of relations. This coming weekend, Trump’s Secretary of State will be in China for advance discussions.
True, we don’t “control” what exactly Trump or his associates will do. But the international dynamic is favorable, and conducive to a United States break-out.
We are now 60 days from the May 14-15 event in China, the “Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation” Look back on what led up to this situation, just over the past six months.
In September, there was a confluence of conferences, putting forward the perspective of common-interest development: Vladivostock (Eastern Economic Forum), Hangzhou (Group of 20), Vientiane (ASEAN), and the UN General Assembly, for which China presented its Belt-and-Road perspective for a “common future” of growth, finally ending poverty. Then in October, the Goa, India gathering for the BRICS annual summit. In November in Peru, the APEC Summit. In the midst of which came the November U.S. elections, voting out the Bush/Obama/Hillary/London crowd.
Now more and more countries are lining up on the pathway to the new paradigm for development. In Chile today, convened the “High Level Dialogue on Asia-Pacific Integration Initiatives.” Following President Trump’s dumping of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), of which Chile was a signator, the Chilean government organized this two-day summit, to discuss possible options for Asia-Pacific integration, but with China now participating. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sent a message to Chile’s Foreign Minister Heraldo Munoz last week, congratulating him on taking this initiative. In attendance will be ministers from the 12 TPP signator countries, plus, China, South Korea, and Colombia. The U.S. Ambassador to Chile will participate. Chile’s President Michelle Bachelet will be attending the May Belt and Road summit in China.
Take an even longer view than the last half year, and the grounds for optimism are even greater. Recall that in December, 2014, when the EIR Special Report, “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge,” was issued, many—including in China!—did not comprehend the world-transforming process involved, and thought the whole idea strange. Same with the reaction earlier that year, to the “Four Laws” issued by Lyndon LaRouche, specifying what must be done to create a productive economy.
Now, to millions, these ideas are becoming self-evident. They are fighting issues. We’re rolling! Enjoy the bandwagon.

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