Help Your Body Fix Itself

Dr. Mercola presents an approach to re-balancing your life that seemed to make sense to me. So I read the book and have been following the Healing Principles. It has only been one week and the results I have experienced are startling:

  • Decreased cravings for sugar, processed foods, junk foods, etc.
  • Decreased sluggishness.
  • Increased energy – REALLY!
  • Decreased stiffness in my joints.
  • As a result of a calming to my negative emotions:
    • I am more relaxed.
    • Feel less stressed.
    • Experience less overreactions to frustrations.
    • Thyroid flare ups have been replaced with a calmer steadiness.

There is an overall sense of wellness that can only be described as a deep and abiding feeling of bliss, happiness, or peace. I am not really able to find the right word. Whatever this euphoric feeling is, it is felt all the way to my marrow. And no, I am not taking mind altering drugs. It is a risk to post this on Facebook because the next time I freak-out it is likely that someone will remind me that (in this post) I claimed to be a calmer, more loving, and more peaceful soul. That’s OK. Life is a journey!

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