House Bill Would Allow Employers to Demand Genetic Information from Workers

‘Last week, a House committee approved the bill HR 1313 (Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act). If passed, it will allow corporations to “require employees to undergo genetic testing or risk paying a penalty of thousands of dollars, and would let employers see that genetic and other health information,” according to PBS.
Employers demanding genetic data from workers is banned by a 2008 law called GINA, the genetic privacy and nondiscrimination law. The new bill would override that, stating that legal protection doesn’t apply when genetic tests are “part of a “workplace wellness” program.”
Although genetic testing isn’t the central focus of the bill as its presented, state sanctioned, pharma corporation enriching “workplace wellness programs” are something a power player politician would lobby for.’
Read more: House Bill Would Allow Employers to Demand Genetic Information from Workers

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