Is Your House Prepared for a Fire?

It’s a scenario we all dread – a house fire sweeping through your home, wreaking havoc on your belongings and putting your family at risk.

And a new virtual reality simulator has revealed just how quickly a fire can devastate your home.

The terrifying 360-degree video shows a gas fire left unattended in a living room, which bursts into flames, and fills the room with black smoke in a matter of seconds.

The video was created by the New Zealand Fire Service, in the hopes of raising awareness of the dangers of house fires.

In the video, a gas fire left unattended in a living room sets fire to a rack of clothes that has been left beside it.

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Within seconds, the clothes are engulfed by flames.

A message reads: ‘Objects left too close to heaters often cause fires.’

Viewers can browse around the room to see the effects of the fire, alongside poignant messages, encouraging people to leave behind valuables and escape quickly.

For example, on the TV, a message reads: ‘Valuable? It’s not worth your life. Leave it behind.’

And on a photo album, a message reads: ‘You can make new memories, if you leave. Leave it behind.’

By the end of the minute-long video, the whole room is filled with black smoke, and parts of the walls and ceiling are falling to the floor.

The New Zealand Fire Service is encouraging everyone to have an escape plan so that they can quickly get to safety in the event of a fire.

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