Left-Wing CEOs of Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is teeming with psychopaths, it has been claimed.

According to a panel of experts at SXSW festival this week, the tech hotspot harbors a high proportion of psychopathic CEOs, whose tendency to be charming and manipulative, all while lacking empathy, may help them climb to the top.

The presence of investors and carefully-crafted human resource departments in Silicon Valley may also play a role in their dominance, as these groups often enable their behavior.

Psychopaths are known to lack remorse and can be callous and manipulative while still coming across as charming to others.

And, in the last decade, researchers have found that ’successful psychopaths’ are becoming increasingly common.

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At SXSW yesterday, experts explained that some of the traits associated with psychopathy may help these people obtain high-power positions, The Guardian reports.

‘They have certain characteristics like fearless dominance, boldness, and a lack of emotion,’ said forensic and clinical psychologist Michael Woodworth during the panel, The Guardian reports.

‘Many successful presidents have scored highly [on the psychopath scale].’

Psychopathic CEOs may choose to surround themselves with supporters by appointing such a person to an HR position, the experts explained.

And, investors also tend to protect malicious bosses, as the success of the investment relies on them.

It’s not surprising that Silicon Valley has such a high amount of psychopathy among its CEOs, according to the panel, as starting a company is, in itself, an ‘irrational act.’

‘You have to have a tremendous amount of ego [and] self-deception to embark on that journey,’ venture capitalist Bryan Stolle said, according to The Guardian.

‘You have to make sacrifices and give up on things, including sometimes a marriage, family, and friends.

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The post Left-Wing CEOs of Silicon Valley appeared first on LewRockwell.

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