Millennial generation overwhelmingly unable to do basic household tasks

‘Although most of them believe that they are God’s gift to the world, millennials are far from perfect. Defined as anyone born between 1982 and 2004, millennials are generally proficient when it comes to using technology, and many of them are actually very book smart. But as for street smarts and just plain commonsense? Not so much.
According to researchers in Britain, 20% of young people under the age of 35 still turn to their parents for help with common household tasks. For example, the study found that more than half of millennials today are unable to put up wallpaper by themselves, and one in eight admitted to not knowing how to change a light bulb. Additionally, a study by British maintenance company Corgi HomePlan found that 80% of young women rely on their partners to fix things and keep up with basic home maintenance.’
Read more: Millennial generation overwhelmingly unable to do basic household tasks

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