New GCHQ Chief Must Clarify UK’s Role in Covert US Drone Strikes – Reprieve

‘International human rights organization Reprieve has said the new GCHQ chief must halt the UK’s role in covert US drone strikes.
The British Foreign Office announced on Tuesday, March 21 that Jeremy Fleming will take over GHCQ, the UK’s intelligence gathering agency, which has been directly implicated in assisting covert US drone strikes in war zones such as Yemen.
Jennifer Gibson, the Drones and Kill List Project Lead at human rights group Reprieve said that Fleming should clarify the UK’s role in a covert raid in the Yemeni village of Yakla in January that is believed to have killed 23 civilians.
“The new head of GCHQ must come clean over UK involvement in covert US drone strikes. Parliament has raised serious concerns that UK intelligence feeds into US assassinations without charge or trial. It is now more urgent than ever,” Gibson said.’
Read more: New GCHQ Chief Must Clarify UK’s Role in Covert US Drone Strikes – Reprieve

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