Now Brussels set to slap another Brexit bill on UK with demands for €100 Billion for ‘EU army’

‘The European Union is demanding members states spend an extra €100billion (£86billion) to fund its controversial army battlegroups.
And Brussels will attempt to force the UK taxpayer to contribute to the fund, which includes winding up failing operations in Africa, despite Britain preparing to leave the bloc.
A text adopted in Strasbourg last week set out the “constitutional, legal and institutional implications of its common security and defence policy”, in which Brussels’ defence mandarins claim “EU citizens expect more EU action in defence and security”.
The text reveals jaw dropping aspects of the bloc’s defence outlining a plethora of acronyms which take into account its “EU Global Strategy”.
It sets out that the EU needs more money for its military strategy and states: “[It is] essential to increase national defence expenditure to two per cent of EU GDP.”’
Read more: Now Brussels set to slap another Brexit bill on UK with demands for €100 Billion for ‘EU army’

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