Paedophilia: Is It The Currency And Kinship Of Elites In Business And Governments?

‘March 21, 2017, Dr. Phil, the well-known TV show PhD psychologist, took an unprecedented entertainment ‘challenge’ of exposing sex trafficking, pedophilia and pedophile rings while interviewing a life-long ‘sex slave,’ Kendall, who reached out to him for help.
Kendall, who apparently is gravely traumatized by her inhumane experiences of abusive sex, torture, rape and other horrors, bravely did her best to articulate what goes on within the world of human trafficking, sex slavery and pedophilia.
She does not know her exact age, and claims she was conceived specifically for, and given by her biological parents to, the “man who owns her.” She was given to the man who ‘owns’ her by her birth parents, whom she really doesn’t know. Since when is any human being owned? Only sickos use that type of descriptive language!
Kendall says often she was kept in a cage barely large enough to hold her body size and it was hung from the ceiling. Sick!’

Read more: Paedophilia: Is It The Currency And Kinship Of Elites In Business And Governments?

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