Pulling the Brexit trigger: May prepares to invoke Article 50 & start Britain’s EU departure

‘Brexit day has arrived, with Prime Minister Theresa May expected to initiate the start of Britain’s official departure from the European Union.
The process is kicked off by the triggering of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, with May officially telling Brussels that the UK desires to leave the bloc. The PM has already signed a letter to European Council President Donald Tusk due to be delivered by Britain’s permanent representative Tim Barrow on Wednesday.
It’s not known exactly when she will pull the trigger, but she is expected to give some kind of statement after the weekly session of Prime Minister’s Questions in parliament.
The mood in recent days, however, has been one of congeniality between nations, as the PM said she aimed to keep a “deep and special partnership” with Europe after Brexit.’
Read more: Pulling the Brexit trigger: May prepares to invoke Article 50 & start Britain’s EU departure

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