Saudi Arabia Losing in Yemen: Saudi Helicopter Downed in by Resistance Fighters in Hudaydah Province

‘Saudi Arabia’s undeclared war of aggression against its neighbour Yemen in now entering its third year. Instead of getting out, the Saudis are now doubling down.
Back in January, Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement, accused Saudi Arabia of launching its war against its southern neighbour in order to ‘prove’ its worthiness to United States – showing how it could take on a region conflict. Most knowledgable analysts now agree that Saudi’s adventurism in Yemen has been an unmitigated failure. As loses are mounting, the Kingdom is now relying on mercenaries to do there fighting, and US air support to conduct its air strikes against Yemen.’
Read more: Saudi Arabia Losing in Yemen: Saudi Helicopter Downed in by Resistance Fighters in Hudaydah Province

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