Schiller Institute Plans to Bring America Into the ‘New Silk Road’ Paradigm This Spring

Donald Trump’s Presidency, vilified (and wiretapped) by the entire trans-Atlantic establishment from neo-liberal to neo-con, is shattering the old paradigm of geopolitics, globalization and “Green” deindustrialization. The British intelligence and Privy Council establishment is reacting with extreme vitriol to this, and centering the drive of both European Union elites and Obama/Soros networks to bring Trump down rapidly by any means, impeachment, resignation, even assassination.

But the new paradigm — and the “new industrial revolution” the President invoked last week in Detroit — is already coming from the New Silk Road. It is being offered to Trump’s United States by China and the Eurasian powers’ great initiative, building the great projects of a new infrastructure for the Earth and for travel to the Moon and through the Solar System.

As Secretary of State Tillerson said during his meeting with China’s President Xi Sunday, the U.S. supports relations, “based on the principle of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation.” And as Xi answered him, relations “responsible to history and future generations.” And the New Silk Road is offering this same new paradigm to Germany and “Europe” — now so shocked and hostile that Trump’s Administration is rejecting the British dicta of “free trade,” environmentalism and globalization.

An impulse from the United States for this is critical. But a political revolution is necessary in the United States to do it, more than President Trump can deliver while fighting British and Obama assaults. Within these 30 days the Schiller Institute will be mobilizing, through the driver of the “Manhattan Project” of the LaRouche movement, to bring the United States into the new paradigm.

Crucial conferences are being held focused on the Schiller Institute’s April 13-14 conference in New York City. It will present both a Dialogue of Philosophies–the actual commonality of Confucianism and Christianity, in particular–and the historic, strategic potential of the period leading into the Beijing “Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation” May 14-15. The New York conference will be an important inflection point in that process.

Among the participants will be three prominent Chinese authorities on the Belt and Road Initiative, U.S. infrastructure experts and political figures, leaders of the LaRouche movement, and diplomatic representatives. The cultural dialogue will be punctuated by an evening of music.

The Manhattan Project will spearhead a unified, national organizing thrust to catalyze the necessary dynamic through this conference and associated activity, to strengthen the potential for the consolidation of the New Paradigm emanating from Beijing.

At the same time the Glass-Steagall Act has to be restored in Congress to break the hold of Wall Street’s speculative casino over the stagnating American industrial economy. The legislation has gathered 40 sponsors since Feb. 1; a breakthrough must force it onto the floor. The current changes in NASA’s mission have to be taken from a mere “reprioritization” to a new crash program to return and develop the Moon as the human stepping-stone to the Solar System and deep space. The President’s own $1 trillion infrastructure investment plans will founder without creating a national credit institution for infrastructure and manufacturing, a “Hamiltonian” national bank.

Supporting the national drive for LaRouche’s “Four Laws”, is the way to a political revolution to bring the United States into the new paradigm. The objective is to carry President Trump all the way to a central role in the Beijing Belt and Road Forum, two months from now.

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