Scores feared dead in ruined Mosul building hit by US coalition airstrike – witnesses

‘Over 130 people trying to take shelter from the fighting in Mosul have been buried under the rubble of a building hit by a coalition airstrike, witnesses say in a video released by AP.
“The entire neighborhood was fleeing because of missiles that hit, so people had taken refuge here. I didn’t know if it was a shelter, I didn’t know we couldn’t go there. My entire family is inside, 27 people. We pulled only one of them out and don’t know about the rest. Yes, he was dead,” a resident of western Mosul, Ahmed Ahmed, told AP. He added that over 137 people were inside the compound.
Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) is in fact going to new lengths to make sure that civilians are killed, Kurdish journalist Hevidar Ahmed from Rudaw agency told RT.’

Read more: Scores feared dead in ruined Mosul building hit by US coalition airstrike – witnesses

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