Severe water shortages may hit one in four children by 2040: UNICEF

‘The UN children’s agency UNICEF predicts that 25 percent of children, 600 million in total, may live in areas with severely limited water resources by 2040, exposing them to fatal diseases such as cholera and diarrhea.
Already some 500 million children live in areas with limited water supplies, and the demand for water today far exceeds available resources in 36 countries, UNICEF said Wednesday.
Supplies are expected to shrink further due to droughts, rising temperatures, flooding, population growth and urbanization, the UN agency said in a report.
If no action is taken to clean up and conserve water supplies, more children will be forced to drink potentially unsafe water as a result, UNICEF said.’
Read more: Severe water shortages may hit one in four children by 2040: UNICEF

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