Shooting the Messenger, The Last Bastions of Independent Thought

‘Instead of recounting the long-proven truth that the terrorists in the Middle East and beyond, but especially in Syria, are imperial appendages/Western proxies, used and manipulated to destroy one country after another, the mainstream protects the narrow interests of a cabal of international war criminals and their hollow stooge political representatives.
Politicians represent a corrupt and criminal Establishment, including the narrow interests of the Military Industrial Complex. They have long since stopped representing “the people”, although “the people” are largely unaware of this since they are bombarded with 24/7 lies that protect and the governing criminals and the oligarch classes globally. The New World Order is a fascist, totalitarian, supranational, and delusional project of “full spectrum dominance” that creates globalized chaos, mass murder, and impoverishment. It is this toxic endeavour that is being hidden from view.
And now the last bastions of truth and peace are being attacked.’
Read more: Shooting the Messenger, The Last Bastions of Independent Thought

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