Smears by Israel envoy rejected in UK Parliament probe

‘A formal investigation has rejected Israeli government claims that a British lawmaker hosted an anti-Semitic event in Parliament.
The complaint stems from an October 2016 meeting hosted in a parliamentary committee room by Jenny Tonge, a member of the unelected upper chamber, the House of Lords.
It was organized by the Palestinian Return Centre, a UK-based advocacy organization, to launch the Balfour Apology Campaign. The campaign seeks an official apology from the UK government for Britain’s promise a century ago to help the Zionist movement establish a homeland in Palestine.
Media painted the event as one rife with anti-Jewish bigotry and Holocaust denial. The Jewish Chronicle ran a story titled, “ ‘Shameful’ House of Lords event condemned after audience ‘blames Jews for Holocaust.’” The Times, a national newspaper, published an almost identical headline.’
Read more: Smears by Israel envoy rejected in UK Parliament probe

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