Sommelier Secrets

If you thought you had been outsmarting restaurants by plumping for the second or third cheapest wine on the list, then think again.

Contrary to popular belief, the wines one or two above the cheapest at a restaurant is no more likely to be of better quality or value than the lowest priced glass or bottle on the list, according to sommelier Mark Oldman.

He says restaurants know diners will often opt for one above the cheapest and will place wines with higher markups in these coveted slots.

His advice? Always choose the cheapest wine on the list, reports Business Insider.

‘You are better served to order the cheapest wine, which diners often neglect out of fear or embarrassment and thus is often a better value,’ Oldman writes in his book How to Drink Like a Billionaire.

‘Just make sure you do so at a restaurant that cares about its wine, where even modestly priced wines are of admirable quality.’

And he has some devastating news for those who think they’re outwitting restaurants by opting for the second or third cheapest instead.

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The post Sommelier Secrets appeared first on LewRockwell.

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