Statement on House Committee Markup of Audit the Fed

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton issued the following statements regarding the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s markup of Audit the Fed (H.R. 24) on Tuesday, March 29.

Ron Paul, former Congressman and Chairman of Campaign for Liberty:

“America’s experiment with  a monetary policy based on a fiat currency controlled by a secretive central bank will soon come to an end.

“The only question is whether Congress will take the necessary steps to orderly wind down the system or if collapse will come from a series of Greece-like financial meltdowns.

“By passing the Audit the Fed bill, the House Oversight Committee has taken the essential first step in transitioning to a free market monetary policy. I thank the committee for its actions, and I applaud my friend and the lead bill sponsor, Representative Thomas Massie, for his leadership on this issue.”

Norm Singleton, President, Campaign for Liberty:

“Now that House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has acted, Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy have no excuse to not schedule a vote on Audit the Fed on the House floor as soon as possible. It’s time for Congress to pass the bill, and President Trump to sign it as promised. Then the American people can finally learn the truth about the Fed’s conduct of monetary policy, including their dealings with foreign central banks, foreign governments, big banks, Wall Street firms, and other crony capitalists.”

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