
        “Mass surveillance is different.  If you’re truly worried about

               attacks coming from anyone anywhere,

                          you need to spy on everyone everywhere.”

                                                                                                       Data and Goliath  p.90

Our NSA (National Security Agency) does not have an open and transparent history.  The NSA was created in secret in 1952 not by Congress, but by a pen stroke of Harry Truman in a 7-page document that remained classified for years.  Even its name was undisclosed.

And it stayed hidden until finally, in 1971, NSA analyst Perry Fellwock blew the whistle on NSA and their secret program Echelon with its vast information gathering technology even back then.  This led to the Church Committee hearings and some legislation.  Obviously, it wasn’t enough…..

Over the recent years, 6 additional patriotic whistleblowers have come forward at great sacrifice and risk to themselves.  These include Bill Binney, Edward Snowden, Russ Tice, Mark Kline, Thomas Tamm, and Thomas Drake.  Click the above link for more information on these men.


Bigger: See Wired article from 2012.  Written by James Bamford, this is an article that spares no one’s feelings in laying out what the NSA is, and does.

Bigger and Nastier:  “The NSA is more interested in the so-called invisible web, also known as the deep web or deepnet – data beyond the reach of the public.  This includes password-protected data, the US and foreign government communications, and noncommercial file-sharing between trusted peers.  ‘The deep web contains government reports, databases, and other sources of information of high value to DOD and the intelligence community according to a 2010 report.’”        

But don’t feel left out.  Oh No!  They already have every keystroke, every conversation, every search (Yes, even those), every credit card purchase, every check, every rewards card purchase, every toll gate, every bill, every-everything about you.  What do you think is filling up those monstrous computers? 

The next two blue links are enlightening wakeup articles from Bruce Schneier.  Bruce is a go-to guy on internet security, and author of Data and Goliath, about collecting your data and controlling the world.  It was a best-selling Amazon Book of the Year in 2015.

The Utah Data Center came online in 2014, at a cost of somewhere between one and one-half to two billion dollars for one million-plus square feet.  Details are not readily shared with the public.

100,000 square feet will be for data storage.  The remaining 900,000 square feet will be for administration and “technical support”……?   What, exactly, does that mean in spook-talk?  Data Mining?  More secret programs?  Mind Control with DOD’s DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)?

It is widely believed that a large emphasis at the Utah Data Center will be put on cracking encryption.  You know, breaking the private codes.   This will done in conjunction with their Oakridge, Tennessee facility which is developing the world’s fastest supercomputer.

Currently, encryption done at 128 bits, and 192 bits, and most securely at 256 bits has them at bay.  But between the vast storage data in Utah and the lightning speed in Tennessee, they think they may be able to crack them.  Would it be okay to pray for a large magnetic storm?

And they’re building another data center in Fort Meade, Maryland that will be two and one-half times bigger.  Just what are they going to do there?

Read the Whole Article

The post Surveillance appeared first on LewRockwell.

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