Syrian army says downs Israeli drone near Golan

‘The Syrian army has reportedly downed an Israeli reconnaissance drone in the Golan Heights shortly after it violated the Syrian airspace.
The Syrian army said the drone, a Skylark, was downed near the southeastern province of Quneitra in the Syrian Golan Heights. The Israeli military has confirmed the downing of the drone and the Lebanese Resistance Movement Hezbollah posted pictures of the downed drone on social media pages.
The “sky rider,” as it’s known in Hebrew, is a miniature surveillance drone that can be launched by one or two people, depending on the model, and once airborne, provides a live video feed to the base on the ground.
The Israeli military said the circumstances of the incident were being investigated, but that there was no immediate proof that classified data could be retrieved from the device.’
Read more: Syrian army says downs Israeli drone near Golan

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