TED Talk Parody Shows How Easy it is to Brainwash Us with Formulas

‘Subliminal messages in advertising are but one tool available to public relations and propaganda professionals to manufacture consent, create unanimity, and encourage group-think. The use of formulas, scripts and rehearsals are also integral parts of the production process, and a look at how easily a formula can influence our perception of the information being presented shows us just how easy it is to be duped by well-presented nonsense.
TED Talks are ubiquitous on the internet, and their comfortably predictable formula lends them instant credibility. The well-produced, important sounding speeches featuring seemingly ordinary people with “Big” ideas have become a source of wisdom and knowledge, as important to our culture as 24 hour news pundits and Snopes.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) produced a TED Talk parody video which hilariously exposes the formula that gives TED so much of its instant credibility, while showing how ‘thought leaders’ are created by the magic of media production.’

Read more: TED Talk Parody Shows How Easy it is to Brainwash Us with Formulas

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