Terrorist threat higher in Europe than anywhere else except war zones – EUCOM chief

‘The threat posed by violent extremism is higher in Europe than anywhere else in the world, apart from actual war zones and hotspots, US European Command head General Curtis Scaparrotti said, commenting on Wednesday’s terrorist attack in London.
“The number of threat streams that we have of this type within Europe – it’s probably higher in Europe than any other part of the globe, with the exception of the places we’re actually physically fighting [terrorists], like Syria […] Afghanistan and Iraq,” the senior US military leader in Europe, who is also NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander, told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday.
He said that Europe is faced with a “difficult challenge” posed by extremists.’
Read more: Terrorist threat higher in Europe than anywhere else except war zones – EUCOM chief

Chaos And Fear: The Currency of Control – David Icke

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