The Worst “Fake News” is the Media Refusal to Inform the Population of the New Paradigm Revolution Taking Place

Forty eight hours after the Weekly Address by President Donald Trump, inspiring America to restore our nation’s lost dedication to expanding human knowledge of the Universe and of life itself, that historic broadcast remains virtually unreported in the American media. Not even mentioned in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, or on the major TV and radio networks. Instead, the media is full of stories that Trump is “failing” because a (deeply flawed) health bill was defeated, with McCarthyite hysteria about Russia stealing the US election, and even recurring references to the “smell of treason hanging over the Trump Administration.”

This is nonsense on one level. But it also is occurring as a slew of subversive “color revolutions,” like that being carried out against the Trump Administration, are showing up across Europe—in the Balkans, in Belarus (with direct support from the neo-nazi brigades in Ukraine), and most importantly, in Russia, where the Soros-linked Sergei Navalny has activated a few thousand demonstrators to provoke a few arrests to be turned into headlines around the world.

And, equally important, the recent adoption by President Trump of a call for a return to the “American System,” something almost exclusively identified in recent decades with Lyndon LaRouche, has been given the same treatment by the mainsteam media. The columnist who goes by the name of Virgil on the Breitbart website, which was previously headed by Trump’s Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, has issued two powerful reports, one on Trump’s visit to Michigan this month Donald Trump, Rosie the Riveter, and the Revival of American Economic Nationalism, and a second on Trump’s call for restoring the American System

Virgil notes that these speeches by the President raised “arguably the most important economic-policy idea in U.S. history,” and yet, “There was no mention of it in Politico, nor the Washington Post, nor in The New York Times, nor on CNN.” The lies spread as facts by the sophists at these British and Wall Street controlled media outlets are repulsive and destructive, but not nearly as destructive as the effort to convey to the mass of Americans (and others) that the unfolding economic and moral transformation of our nation, and potentially the world, are even taking place. Imagine Jack Kennedy’s call for man to go to the Moon “not because it is easy, but because it is hard,” being blacked out of the U.S. media. This treatment is well known to Lyndon LaRouche, whose formative roll in both these scientific and economic innovations is obvious to all who know him, but has been systematically kept from most of the American people for fifty years, as a conscious, openly declared policy of the so-called mainstream media.

But that capacity to impose mind control on the population through the media is being broken. A President who addresses the population directly, and refuses to bend to the myth that “popular opinion,” as defined by the media, must be worshiped, has now assumed office. It is far from clear that he will be successful, but the potential is great if the population rises to the occasion. Lyndon LaRouche, for one, believes that Trump knows what he is talking about.

Lyndon LaRouche has always insisted that “popular opinion” and “being practical” are the greatest enemies of mankind, and of creativity in particular. In this time of revolutionary change, in the tradition of Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt, the new paradigm is fully attainable. The world is turning to China’s New Silk Road process, marking the end of zero-sum “geopolitics” under the British Empire, which has dominated modern history since at least 1900. The notion of a global Renaissance—in science, the arts, and political economy—is the necessary and sufficient mission now before us all.

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