Theresa May goes to war on Gibraltar: Ancient feud erupts as EU gives spain the right to block the Rock from any Brexit deal

‘The centuries-old dispute over Gibraltar is threatening to halt Brexit negotiations after the EU yesterday backed Spain’s claim to the British territory.
Brussels chiefs sparked a diplomatic feud yesterday after including a veto for Madrid over the Rock’s future in their list of Brexit negotiating demands.
UK politicians accused the EU of orchestrating a ‘shameful’ attempt to inflame the historic territorial wrangle.
Despite Theresa May’s insistence that Gibraltar would not be used as a political pawn, the EU said Spain should be given a say over any future decisions relating to the territory.
The move threatened an early breakdown in negotiations after EU officials said they would not remove the clause. It also infuriated MPs, who said Britain ‘must not be bullied’ into compromises by Spain.’
Read more: Theresa May goes to war on Gibraltar: Ancient feud erupts as EU gives spain the right to block the Rock from any Brexit deal 

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