Theresa May’s welfare cuts will drive another million children into poverty, Institute for Fiscal Studies forecasts

‘Theresa May’s welfare cuts will help push almost one million more children into relative poverty by 2022 and two thirds of those affected will live in working households, according to the latest projections from the Institute for Fiscal Studies.
The findings will heap pressure on the Prime Minister ahead of next week’s Budget to live up to her claim that the Conservatives are the “party of the workers” and to reverse some of the welfare cuts planned over the rest of this Parliament.
The IFS projects that the number of children in relative poverty, defined as those in a family earning less than 60 per cent of median incomes after housing costs, will rise by 900,000 to 5.1 million by 2021-22.
That is almost 36 per cent of all children.’
Read more: Theresa May’s welfare cuts will drive another million children into poverty, Institute for Fiscal Studies forecasts

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