Trump’s Labor Secretary nominee faces questions over why he cut a deal with pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein instead of indicting him on federal sex crimes

‘President Donald Trump’s labor secretary nominee is facing questions over the unusual plea deal he oversaw for billionaire sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein, while serving as US attorney in Miami.
Alexander Acosta made a deal with Epstein which meant he avoided federal prosecution and a potential life prison sentence when he was found guilty of soliciting prostitution in 2008.
He is now at the center of a lawsuit, which names President Donald Trump as a witness, which accuses him of mishandling the case a decade ago.
Critics, including attorneys for some underage victims of financier Epstein, claim the plea agreement was a ‘sweetheart deal’ made possible only by Epstein’s wealth, connections and high-powered lawyers.’
Read more: Trump’s Labor Secretary nominee faces questions over why he cut a deal with pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein instead of indicting him on federal sex crimes

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