What could go wrong? Genetically modified mosquitoes to swarm Houston in latest Zika hoax lunacy

‘One of the methods chosen by American officials around the country is introducing genetically modified mosquitoes grown by British biotech firm Oxitec that are supposed to mate with Zika-carrying mosquitoes, causing their offspring to die early.
The Houston Chronicle reported that officials in Harris County, Texas, are considering introducing Oxitec genetically modified mosquitoes into the area and are currently negotiating with the British firm.
So far, there have been no actual trials involving GM mosquitoes in the United States. A planned trial in the Florida Keys last fall never materialized because residents there expressed concern about the genetic engineering, which led to local officials canceling a proposed trial there.’
Read more: What could go wrong? Genetically modified mosquitoes to swarm Houston in latest Zika hoax lunacy

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