Who Controls The (Alternate) ‘Reality’ In America?

‘Who’s really got the power in America? Most people are living in an alternate reality created by those with the biggest platforms.
Individual “reality” is defined by what people believe to be true more than what actually exists. A firmly held opinion can create such a vast cognitive dissonance that many people can actually witness something that challenges their belief and still deny that they could be incorrect.
This sounds like the biggest conspiracy theory ever, but if you are here reading this, you probably at least suspect that there are manipulations at play in nearly everything we view or read. There are just a few hundred people who control the media, entertainment, and the Internet, and unless we are completely unplugged, we are lambasted with their versions of reality relentlessly every day.
Let’s talk about how opinions are really formed and who has the influence to sway the people of America. No matter how well-informed a person tries to be, the truth can be hard to come by when bias is presented from so many primary sources.’
Read more: Who Controls The (Alternate) ‘Reality’ In America?

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