Will your children be removed from your home for refusing vaccines?

‘Individual liberty is a rather straightforward concept on the surface, yet millions of Americans, both inside and outside of Washington D.C., fail to understand it. Liberty means having the ability to pursue your own interests, to do what motivates you, and to make your own decisions free from government interference, so long as those decisions are legal and generally ethical.
When it comes to vaccinations, government restrictions and guidelines vary from state to state. Despite this, it is now generally accepted that failing to vaccinate your children is a form of child neglect, and could potentially lead to loss of custody.
Medical neglect is defined as failure “to exercise a minimum degree of care in supplying the child with adequate health care.” The definition adds that this omission of care may either be compromising the child’s health, or potentially compromising it.’
Read more: Will your children be removed from your home for refusing vaccines?

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